Awards & Publications

Trees in Urban Design, 2nd edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd. 1992
"Trees and Shrubs." Encyclopedia of Architecture. New York: Wiley. 1988
Trees in Urban Design. Wokingham, UK: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd. 1980
"Planting Trees on Urban Sites." Architecture New Jersey. 89:3.
"Sustainable Trees For Sustainable Cities." Arnoldia. 53:3.
"Preserving the Present." Landscape Architecture. 84:04
​Design Award, American Society of Landscape Architects.
For Snowbird Ski Resort, Utah.
American Publishers Award for Best Book in Architecture and Urban Planning.
For Trees in Urban Design.
Design Award, Washington Metropolitan Chapter, American Institute of Architects.
For Constitution Gardens, with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.
Design Recognition, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Competition.
Design team received honorable mention.
Design recognition, Pershing Square Competition.
Design team received honorable mention.
Honor Award, NJ Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects.
For Feingold House, Oakhurst, NJ.
Named "Distinguished Artist" by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.Merit Award, NJ Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects.
For Trenton Marine Terminal Park.
Merit Award, NJ Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects.
For Marina Square, Singapore.
Selected. Henry Arnold and Maya Lin by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Arts Commission.
For Public Art Work at the Charlotte, North Carolina Coliseum.
Honor Award, American Society of Landscape Architects.
For Hoboken South Waterfront.
Honor Award, NJ Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects.
For Hoboken South Waterfront.
Honor Award, Waterfront Center.
For Hoboken South Waterfront.
Honor Award, WAMO Competition.
For "Arcs of Shade" - National Design Competition of the Washington Monument grounds.
PESMC Project of the Year Award.
For Stansworth Commons Community, Princeton, NJ.
Preservation New Jersey - Building Industry Network Award.
For Van Wagenen/Apple Tree House, Jersey City, NJ.